Original name, random -io- / -e- substitution

If the surname you are working with randomly interchanges -io- and -e- (e.g. Basenok/Basionok, Shlemov/Shliomov), it is likely that the original was -yo- (Cyrillic “ё”). -io- is an old way of writing “yo” sound, before letter “ё” became the norm. -e-, of course, just a common way of writing “ё”, not bothering with the trema.

Basenok/Basionok – Басенок, Басионок = Басёнок
Shlemov/Shliomov – Шлемов, Шлиомов = Шлёмов


Смотрите также: “Днепропетровский архив: метрические книги сел Верхнеднепровского уезда за 1917-1923 гг” и “Фамилии жителей с. Ольгинское за 1889 год”.

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