Posts Tagged ‘совет’

Wife’s maiden name (Jewish records)

Friday, July 29th, 2011

Sometimes, especially in older records, wife’s maiden name is not specified in Jewish marriage records. At times even middle name is not mentioned. That can be very problematic. However, wife’s full name, including her maiden name, at times mentioned in children birth records. That’s why its worth trying to find all children born to that couple.

Смотрите также: “Death reasons, diseases” и “Church parish records during Russian Civil War”.

Death reasons, diseases

Wednesday, July 27th, 2011

Death reasons in death records can be hard to understand as diseases or reasons were given in common names. This list should help a little. It will be expanded.

old name in Russian – current name in Russian – transcription of old name – current name in English

водянка, водяная болезнь – асцит – vodyanka, vodyanaya bolezn – ascites

крупа – дифтерия – krupa – diphtheria

Смотрите также: “Original name, random -io- / -e- substitution” и “Jewish birth records in Russian Orthodox church records”.

Book: Histories of Kiev gubernia localities, 1864

Wednesday, July 6th, 2011

Histories of Kiev gubernia localities by Lavrentiy Ivanovich Pokhilevich (Kiev-Lavra, 1864) can be very useful if your ancestors came from any of the localities in Kiev gubernia. Village or town history often can give you clues on when or where from your ancestors came to be there.

Сказания о населенных местностях Киевской губернии. Лаврентий Иванович Похилевич. Киево-Печерская Лавра, 1864.

Смотрите также: “Прошлое Полтавской территории и ее заселение” и “Черниговский архив: исповедные ведомости сел Черниговской губернии за 1792, 1882 гг”.

Church parish records during Russian Civil War

Monday, June 13th, 2011

Many parishes continued to record births, marriages and deaths during the Russian Civil War (1917-1923). A lot of people were displaced during the war, so the records are much harder to find since they might not appear in the previously attended church. Records are in disarray, some events were not recorded right away, but on the other hand, many things from previous years were recorded and rerecorded. It is not uncommon to find in 1920’s register books records about 1917-1919 and even pre-revolutionary events, going back as far as late 1800’s.

Смотрите также: “about birth records / о родившихся” и “Jewish birth records in Russian Orthodox church records”.

Original name, random -io- / -e- substitution

Friday, March 11th, 2011

If the surname you are working with randomly interchanges -io- and -e- (e.g. Basenok/Basionok, Shlemov/Shliomov), it is likely that the original was -yo- (Cyrillic “ё”). -io- is an old way of writing “yo” sound, before letter “ё” became the norm. -e-, of course, just a common way of writing “ё”, not bothering with the trema.

Basenok/Basionok – Басенок, Басионок = Басёнок
Shlemov/Shliomov – Шлемов, Шлиомов = Шлёмов

Смотрите также: “Днепропетровский архив: метрические книги сел Верхнеднепровского уезда за 1917-1923 гг” и “Фамилии жителей с. Ольгинское за 1889 год”.